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Checking off your Property To-Do List can be a pain, especially if it’s a seasonal property like a lake house. Coordinating everyone showing up with the right tools and parts and tasks for what to do is tough. Then sometimes all the work falls all on one person, which can lead to bad family dynamics in time.

With backporch®’s Projects + Gear feature, you can use tags to delegate the project, record what gear you have on hand, talk about what gear you need and what needs to be done and then easily check each project off the list. Is there something that must be done? Flag it! Is it a yearly project? Comment in the project thread that it’s completed for the current year!

Imagine this: summer is just around the corner and you need to get the family lake house in order for the upcoming summer reunion. Everyone noted they were coming on the shared calendar for the first weekend of summer. You and your husband will prep the house two weekends before. Your sister, her husband, and their kids said they would be at the lake house the weekend before the family reunion to work on projects around the house as well.

When you arrive at the lake house, you see that the boat prop never got fixed, there are ant piles in the yard, some of the life jackets got eaten by moths, and so much more! There is too much for you and your husband to complete in one weekend!

Using the app, create all of the projects that need to be completed before the reunion and note what gear you have and what needs replacing, like the life jackets! Using the tag feature, you assign half to your sister and her husband and the remainder for you and your husband. The boat prop getting fixed is the biggest priority and will take a week! You flag the project, tag your sister, and comment in the thread that she needs to pick it up at a specific address.

Fast forward to the family summer reunion. No one is worrying about projects or missing gear. Everyone is focused on fun times!

With backporch, you can easily delegate those tough, all-hands-on-deck tasks with those you share it with! You will never forget to complete a project again. Download the backporch app for iPhone and Android today.

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