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As a second home owner, you are either enjoying the beauty of your property with your friends and family or offering outside guests to enjoy the space you have curated to feel like home. Maybe you have stayed in your second property over one hundred times and are looking for a way to rediscover the charm that led you to purchase this home in the first place. Or, perhaps you are wanting to find ways to make your guests’ experience more enjoyable. Regardless of your intentions, we have some helpful tips to guide you through the process of falling in love with your property again.

It’s important to first remember why you bought this property in the first place. Was it because of the wonderful architecture, the surrounding area that offers access to the outdoors, or was it because you loved the town your property is located in? Falling back in love with your second home can start with engaging in the activities you like. Be a tourist in your own city by revisiting your favorite restaurants, enjoying the local art scene, maybe see some live music or learn about the town’s history by going on a guided tour. Does your town offer one of a kind experiences? Take advantage of them so you can get back to that feeling of what it once was to fall in love with your property and the surrounding area.

Once you have re-experienced your second home in a refreshed way (or tried something new), you can note these fun activities for your guests or family members using the backporch app. Make backporch your digital guestbook for those staying in your home. Remind and share with others how they too can enjoy the property. For your property, mark all of the available activities in the property info tab under activities. Share photos of your favorite outdoor adventures, outstanding architecture, and delicious restaurants. You can even personalize your suggestions with your favorite memories from your own experience.

Download the backporch app today to note some of your special experiences to partake in at your property and around your town. Interested in learning about our other features? See our fantastic features here!

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